This twelfth edition of AVANCA | CINEMA - International Conference - Cinema, Art, Technology, Communication, results in 150 communications and a Proceedings book with 1190 pages.
This twelfth edition of AVANCA | CINEMA - International Conference - Cinema, Art, Technology, Communication, results in 150 communications and a Proceedings book with 1190 pages.
The Jury of the Prize Engr. Fernando Gonçalves Lavrador of the 12nd edition of the "AVANCA | CINEMA - International Conference Cinema - Art, Technology, Communication", composed by Mônica Stein - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil), Denize Araújo - Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (Brazil), Joaquim João Sousa - Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal), Nuno Fragata - ESAD, Caldas da Rainha (Portugal), Alfonso Palazón Meseguer - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain), Francisco-Julián Martínez-Cano - Universidad Miguel Hernández (Spain), awarded the following communication:
The Jury decided to attribute Honorable Mentions to the following communications:
The Prize is sponsored by AVANCA' 2022.