Rules - Prize Engr. Fernando Gonçalves Lavrador 2025

1 - Ambit

In posthumous tribute to one of the most significant Portuguese researchers in the Semiotic, Aesthetic and Cinema Theory, whose work is essential and universal, the Conference AVANCA | CINEMA creates the Prize Engr. Fernando Gonçalves Lavrador, aiming to distinguish the best communication present in the conference.

2 - Purposes

Divulgation and promotion of research in Cinema, Art, Technology, Communication fields.

3 - Applications

Papers accepted by the Scientific Commission are eligible for the Prize.
The communications not published in the book of minutes, or communications published in the section of the guests are not eligible to contest.
The prize nomination implies the presence of, at least, one of the authors, at the Avanca Conference.

4 - Jury

The Jury is constituted by one member of Eng Lavrado family, academics and researchers.
The Jury's decision is final and not subject to appeal.

5 - Prize

The prize will be given to the paper that the jury intends to distinguish.
The prize will be presented to de winning authors during the opening ceremony of next years Conference.

6 - Final Provisions

All questions, doubts and omissions in these rules will be clarified or solved by the Organizing Commission.